Yammer Wall

The Yammer Wall provides news from various Yammer sites at a glance

The solution

The Yammer Wall tool runs as a service and collects news data from multiple Yammer Online sites. The data is cached and provided in an easy-to-use and frontend website so that it can be consumed from users without login, but only from registered devices. The frontend shows the news as articles in a newspaper style that can be filtered and navigated through. This is useful for organizations that are using multiple channels and want to provide decentralized data in a quick and modern-to-use way.

Backend service

The backend runs as a service and continuously monitors changes to the defined Yammer sites and messages. When articles are changed, the content in the cache is updated and made available to clients.


The frontend is a website that consumes the provided data and displays them in a pretty way for the users. Filters allow to search for specific news, channels or time frames. The articles can be opened for reading the full article and to see all content such as pictures, PDF documents etc. The frontend can be customized with the Corporate Identity of the organization.

Administration and security

Users can consume the content from known devices within the organization only, but without the requirement to have a M365 account and to authenticate. In contrast, only defined administrators with a M365 login can manage the Yammer Wall tool and define what content is available, how it is displayed and what devices can access the information.

Areas of application

The Yammer Wall tool is particularly useful in larger companies that want to provide decentralized news from different channels centrally for their employees. In this way, employees stay up to date without having to have their own Microsoft 365 login.

Get started

Please contact us for more information or a demo.

At a glance


Yammer Wall


Provides a collection of various news
Organization news overview


Microsoft 365
SaaS solution


Let your employees stay up to date
Central company news

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